Website Design & Development

Welcome to Binarama, your partner in creating compelling digital experiences that leave a lasting impact. In today's online world, where your website serves as the initial touchpoint with potential customers, we specialize in going beyond website creation. At Binarama, we build the digital foundation for your online success, ensuring a tailored and innovative approach that engages, inspires, and converts. Our comprehensive Web Development Services are designed to understand and amplify your unique business needs, setting you apart in the dynamic and competitive online world.

Web Development

What is Web Development?

Building the Digital Foundation

Web development is like building and taking care of websites or web applications. Imagine it as constructing a house in the digital world. At Binarama, we’re experts at this process, ensuring every part of your online presence works smoothly. It involves different skills, such as designing how things look on the web, ensuring the front of the website (where users interact) and the back (where the website does its behind-the-scenes work) are both working well, and managing the information stored on the website.

Our Approach to Web Development

Your Vision, Our Expertise

At BINARAMA, we follow a comprehensive approach to web development:

  • Requirement Gathering

    At the start of our journey together, we delve into understanding your business. This involves learning about your goals, who you want to reach (your target audience), and any specific needs you have. It's like understanding the blueprint before building a house.

  • Planning and Strategy

    Once we know your business needs, our team can craft a plan. Think of this as creating a roadmap for your website. We design a plan that complements your objectives, ensuring that every step we take is purposeful and aimed at making your online presence successful.

  • Design and Development

    Now comes the fun part – bringing your vision to life! We focus on making a website that looks great and is easy for people to use. It's like constructing a user-friendly and visually appealing storefront For your business on online platforms.

  • Quality Assurance

    Like checking a product for defects before it goes to market, we rigorously test your website. This ensures it's free from bugs and performs smoothly, delivering guests a smooth and joyful experience.

  • Deployment

    Launch day is here! We make sure your website goes live without a hitch. Nonetheless, we do not stop there; instead, we keep going. to support you, providing updates and assistance to keep everything running smoothly.

  • Continuous Improvement

    After your website is live, we don't just sit back. We constantly keep an eye on how it's doing. If there's room for improvement, we make necessary enhancements, ensuring your digital space evolves to meet your growing needs. It's like tending to a garden to ensure it flourishes over time.

Our Web Development Services

Elevate Your Online Presence

  • Website Development

    Imagine crafting a digital space that looks good and adapts to all devices, leaving a lasting memory. We specialize in making responsive websites that work seamlessly on your computer, tablet, or phone.

  • E-commerce Solutions

    Building a secure online store is like creating a trustworthy marketplace for your business. We ensure your store is safe and packed with features for smooth online shopping experiences.

  • Custom Web Applications

    Think of this as tailoring a digital tool specifically for your business needs. We create applications that streamline your processes, making online operations efficient and effective.

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)

    Imagine an easy-to-use control panel for your website. We use easy-to-use websites with content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, and Drupal is a platform where you control the content of your website.

  • Front-end and Back-end Development

    It's like ensuring the shop window (front-end) and the backstage processes (back-end) run smoothly. We optimize the user interface for a pleasant experience and fine-tune the server side for efficient operations.

  • Website Maintenance

    Just like a well-kept garden, your website needs ongoing care. We provide continuous support and security updates and manage your content, ensuring your digital space stays fresh and secure.

  • Mobile-Responsive Design

    You should always aim for a visually appealing and functional website. what device someone uses. We ensure your website is flawlessly designed for optimal viewing and interaction on all devices.

  • Web Performance Optimization

    Imagine making your website faster, scalable, and more enjoyable to use. We enhance its speed and overall performance, providing visitors with a streamlined and effective internet encounter.

Why Choose Us?

Partnering for Web Success



Our team comprises skilled developers and designers with years of experience.

Project Commencement

At Binarama, we initiate projects with a thorough and collaborative "Project Commencement" phase. This involves close consultation with our clients to define goals, objectives, and project scopes. It sets the stage for a successful partnership, ensuring we align our efforts with their vision from the very start.



We blend innovative design with powerful functionality for a unique web presence.

Design and Development

In the "Design and Development" phase, Binarama's team of experts bring creative concepts to life. We leverage cutting-edge tools and technologies to craft bespoke digital solutions. This phase represents our commitment to innovation and iterative development, where client feedback plays a pivotal role in shaping the final product.



Every website is tailored to your brand and objectives.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Our dedication to excellence shines in our "Quality Assurance and Testing" procedures. Binarama follows rigorous testing protocols to identify and rectify any issues, guaranteeing a seamless end product. We adhere to industry-specific quality standards, ensuring that our solutions not only meet but exceed expectations.



Your vision and satisfaction drive our web development process.

Deployment and Support

"Deployment and Ongoing Support" mark the transition from development to launch. Binarama handles project deployment meticulously, making the solution accessible to users. Our commitment extends well beyond this point, with a focus on providing continuous support, maintenance, and optimization, ensuring the sustained success of our projects.


Proven Results

Our portfolio showcases successful projects that have delivered results.

Deployment and Support

"Deployment and Ongoing Support" mark the transition from development to launch. Binarama handles project deployment meticulously, making the solution accessible to users. Our commitment extends well beyond this point, with a focus on providing continuous support, maintenance, and optimization, ensuring the sustained success of our projects.

Our pricing

The location of the web development team can impact pricing.



Small businesses or Start-up businesses
$ 399 ₹ 15999
  • Free Domain
  • Free Hosting
  • Free SSL
  • Landing Page + 5 Pages
  • Emails x 1 (Quota 1 GB)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Dynamic Pages
  • 2 Sprints
  • Delivery in 14 Days
  • Support 1 hr/week
  • Free Maintenance 3 Months
  • Admin Panel - 1 User
  • Contact Form x 1
  • Lead Capturing
  • Click to Call/Email
  • Social Media Backlinking
  • Client Credential Sharing
  • Slider
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery
  • Easy Website Renewal*
  • Development using CMS


Large size Business
$ 1199 ₹ 21999
  • Free Domain
  • Free Hosting
  • Free SSL
  • Landing Page + 10 Pages
  • Emails x 3 (Quota 1 GB)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Dynamic Pages
  • 4 Sprints
  • Delivery in 10 Days
  • Support 3 hr/week
  • Free Maintenance 6 Months
  • Admin Panel - 3 User
  • Contact Form x 5
  • Lead Capturing
  • Click to Call/Email
  • Social Media Back linking
  • Client Credential Sharing
  • Slider
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery
  • Easy Website Renewal*
  • Pop-up Forms
  • Form Automation
  • WhatsApp Integration
  • Website Optimization
  • Dynamic Blogs
  • Maps Integration


E-commerce business
$ 1499 ₹ 29999
  • Free Domain
  • Free Hosting
  • Free SSL
  • Landing Page + Unlimited Pages
  • Emails x 5 (Quota 1 GB)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Dynamic Pages
  • 6 Sprints
  • Delivery in 7 Days
  • Support 5 hr/week
  • Free Maintenance 12 Months
  • Admin Panel - 5 User
  • Unlimited Contact Form
  • Lead Capturing
  • Click to Call/Email
  • Social Media Back linking
  • Client Credential Sharing
  • Slider
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery
  • Easy Website Renewal*
  • Pop-up Forms
  • Form Automation
  • WhatsApp Integration
  • Website Optimization
  • Dynamic Blogs
  • Maps Integration
  • Website Backup
  • AI Integration
  • Custom Functions
  • Newsletter Module
  • Custom Framework (Coded)
  • Unlimited Content

FAQ 's

Absolutely! Creating a comprehensive FAQ section for your web development services can help address potential clients' questions and build trust. Here's a template and sample questions to get you started:

What Is Web Designing?

Web designing is an act of crafting web pages and giving them an organized and hierarchical structure.

What Are The Benefits Of Web Designing?
  1. Responsive To All Devices
  2. Performance and Speed
  3. Reliable
  4. Valid Mark Up and Clean Code
How Often I Will Get Report?

You will be given the URL of the site so that you can check the progress of your website anytime and anywhere.

What Package Should I Choose?

Website Design Packages should be chosen as per the layout and graphics you want on your website.

How Much Does Web Designing Cost In India?

Our web designing services costs in India solely depends on the type of website you want to get designed from us. You may find our costs cheaper for a relatively easy dynamic website with that to e-commerce and complex website.

I Want To Get My Website Redesigned. Do You Do That?

Yes, we do that!! If your website has certain factors that degrade it’s performance and gives a bad user appearance. We’ll definitely help to redesign it!!!

Do You Create Mobile Responsive Websites?

Yes, we create responsive website designs that can adapt to every screen size.

Will I Be Able To See My Website While It Is In The Development Phase?

We appreciate the clients that want us to show their websites in the development phase. We will share our demo link while it is in the development phase.

What If I Change My Mind About The Look And Feel Of The Website?

Once you have confirmed the general layout of the agreed design we start the development of the website. If in case you change your mind concerning the design or any other major change, then we will complete up to 2 revisions free of cost. But more than that will be chargeable. However, all small revisions will be free of cost during the development phase. But if you change your mind after the website gets live then it will be treated as a new project and you will be billed as per standard hourly rates.

Does It Work?

A good website design is sufficient to engage the audience, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

How Can I Trust Binarama?
  1. Years Of Experience
  2. Well-skilled Designers
  3. Hundreds of websites built so far.
  4. Demonstration of live websites.
What Details I Have To Provide?

When you contract with us for your website designing needs, then you have to give the following details to us

When should I create a website?

The answer to this question really depends on your needs and what you hope to accomplish with a website. If you are a business owner, it is important to create a website as soon as possible in order to reach new customers and grow your brand. A website can also be a great way to share information about your products or services with potential and current customers. If you are an individual, a website can be a fun way to showcase your interests or talents to the world. It can also be a great way to connect with friends and family online. Ultimately, the decision of when to create a website is up to you, but there are many benefits to having one regardless of your reasons for creating it.

What type of website should I choose?

There are many types of websites to choose from when creating your own. Your choice will depend on what you want your website to do.

One type of website is a blog. Blogs are good for sharing your thoughts with the world and for building an audience around your ideas. If you want to share your personal life with friends and family, or if you want to start a business, a blog is a good option.

Another type of website is a portfolio site. Portfolio sites are used by artists, designers, and other professionals to showcase their work. If you want to share your creative work with the world, a portfolio site is a good option.

The third type of website is a store. Store websites allow you to sell products or services online. If you want to start an online business, a store website is a great option.

What Questions Should i ask to create a website?
  1. When creating a website, the first step is to come up with a concept or idea for the website. This can be done by brainstorming and making a list of what you want the website to include.
  2. Once you have an idea, the next step is to figure out who your target audience is and what type of website you want to create.
  3. After that, you need to come up with a domain name and design for your site. Be sure to keep your target audience in mind when choosing a domain name and designing your site.
  4.  The next step is to set up your hosting and create your website’s content. This can be done by writing articles, creating pages, and adding images and videos.
Do I need a website maintenance Plan?

Yes, you do need website maintenance. It’s not optional. Just like you have to mow your lawn and trim your hedges, you have to maintain your website or it will go downhill fast.

Think about it: a website is a reflection of your business. It’s the first impression people have of you, and if it’s not updated regularly, or if it’s full of errors, then potential customers will think you don’t care about your business. They’ll think you don’t care about them either.

That’s why website maintenance is so important. It keeps your website looking good and functioning properly. It makes sure that potential customers see the best possible version of your business. And it shows that you care about your customers and your business.

How much does it cost to host a website?

The cost to host a website can vary depending on the size and complexity of the site. Typically, basic hosting costs between $5 and $10 per month. However, more robust and customized hosting can cost significantly more. For example, a WordPress site hosted on a private server can cost around $200 per month.

How long does it take for the website to be built?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on the size and complexity of the website. However, on average, it can take anywhere from 2-6 months for a website to be built from scratch. This timeframe usually includes the time needed for designing the site, coding the pages, and testing it all to make sure it’s working properly. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, so it’s always best to consult with a web developer to get an accurate estimate.

How much should a company charge for website development?

When it comes to website charges, how much a company should charge is relative to the project at hand. Typically, there are four main website development cost factors: design, functionality, content and hosting.

The most important aspect of website design is making sure that it looks good and reflects the company’s branding. Good web design will help to engage users and convert them into customers. Functionality is also important as it determines how well the website can meet the needs of its users. Important features include search capabilities, shopping carts and user registration modules. Content is what attracts users to websites in the first place and must be well-written and keyword-rich. Hosting is the service that makes a company’s website visible on the internet. It is important to find a reputable hosting provider that can offer fast loading times, good uptime and customer support.

Who to hire for website development?

When it comes to website development, there are many different factors to consider. One of the most important decisions is who to hire for the project. There are a few key things to look for when making this decision.

First, it is important to find someone who has experience in website development. They should know how to design and build a website that meets your needs and looks great. They should also be familiar with the latest trends and technologies so they can create a website that is up-to-date.

Second, it is important to find someone you can trust. You will be working with this person closely on your website, so you need to feel confident that they will do a good job and meet your expectations. Ask for references from past clients and check out their portfolios to get a better idea of their work.

What CMS should I choose for website development?

Choosing the right CMS for website development is essential to ensure that the website functions properly and meets the needs of the business. There are a number of different CMS options available, so it is important to research which one is best for the project. Some factors to consider include the amount of control needed over the website content, the level of customization required, and how much support is needed from the CMS provider.

Once the decision has been made to use a CMS for website development, there are a number of choices available. WordPress is one of the most popular options and is known for its ease of use and wide range of plugins and themes that can be used to customize the site. Joomla is another popular choice with a large user base and extensive library of extensions. Magento is a more robust option that can be used for larger eCommerce websites.

How much should website renewal cost?

When your business is ready to renew its website, the first question you have to ask is how much this renewal will cost. The price of a website renewal varies depending on the size and type of site, the features and add-ons you choose, and whether you need new design elements or functionality. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for a website renewal.

There are several factors that will affect the price of your website renewal. The first is the type of site you have. A custom website will cost more to renew than a template-based site because it will require more time and effort on the part of the designer or developer. The number of pages and features on your site will also affect the price; adding new pages or features can add hundreds or even thousands of dollars to the cost of the renewal.

How many pages do I need on the website?

When it comes to web pages, how many is enough? This is a question that many people ask and the answer can depend on a variety of factors. Generally, the more pages your website has, the better it will be for your SEO (search engine optimization) ranking. This is because Google and other search engines like websites that are comprehensive and offer lots of relevant information. However, you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many pages, especially if your website is still in its early stages. You can always add more pages as your website grows.

Another thing to consider when deciding how many pages to include on your website is the type of business you have. If you’re running a brick-and-mortar store, you may not need as many pages as an online-only business.

Can i make a website free?

There are many ways to make a website free. One way is to use a website builder like Wix, which offers a free plan with limited features, or Weebly, which offers a free plan with ads. Another way to make a website for free is to use a content management system (CMS) like, which is free and open source. With, you need to install the software on your own web server or use a web hosting service that offers WordPress hosting.

How much does a website cost per year?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the cost of a website can vary greatly depending on the features and functionality you require, as well as the size and complexity of the project. However, a ballpark estimate for a small business website would be around $1,000 – $2,000 per year. This includes domain name registration and hosting, as well as design and development costs. The cost will also depend on whether you choose to DIY or hire a professional web developer. If you decide to DIY, there are many online resources available that can help you get started. But remember, creating a website that looks good and performs well takes time and effort, so be prepared to invest some elbow grease!

How much do designers charge for a website?

When it comes to how much designers charge for a website, there is no standard rate. Some designers may charge by the hour, while others may charge a flat fee for the entire project. Generally, the more complex and custom the website design is, the higher the cost will be.

Another factor that can affect pricing is how involved the designer will be in the project. If you need someone to just create a basic layout for you, the cost will be lower than if you need someone to help with coding, SEO optimization, and more.

So what should you expect to pay for a website? On average, most people spend between $1,000 and $10,000 on a custom website design. However, this price range can vary greatly depending on your needs and budget.

How much does a one-page/single page/ one pager website cost?

There is no definitive answer to how much a one-page website will cost. It depends on the complexity of the design and the features you want to be included. You could spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the size and scope of the project.

One thing to keep in mind is that most one-page websites are static, which means they don’t include features like a blog or e-commerce capabilities. If you need those features, your costs will be higher. Also, if you need help creating or designing your website, that will add to the cost as well.

How many hours does it take to build a website?

It’s a question that many people have – how much time does it take to build a website? The answer, of course, depends on the complexity and size of the website. However, according to estimates from various sources, most people can expect to spend anywhere from 20-40 hours building a website.

That time can be spread out over a few weeks or months, depending on how much time you have available. Of course, if you’re not doing the work yourself, you’ll need to factor in the cost of hiring a web developer. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you can definitely build your own website.

Is building a website hard?

Building a website is hard. It’s not something that you can just do in your spare time. You need to have an understanding of coding, design, and marketing in order to create a website that is effective and looks great. Even if you know how to code and design, you still need to know how to market your website in order to make sure that people will see it. Creating a website is a lot of work, but it can be very rewarding if you’re able to make it successful.

Is creating a website worth it?

There are a few things you need to figure out before you start building your website. First, what is the purpose of your website? Do you want to create a personal website to share your thoughts and ideas with others, or do you want to create a website for your business? Once you know the purpose of your website, you can start thinking about the design and content.

Creating a website can be a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth it if you’re looking to build a successful online presence. You’ll need to choose a web hosting provider and domain name, and then design and build your website. You’ll also need to create content and market your website in order to attract visitors.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online that can help you get started.

Why does a small business need a website?

In this day and age, it’s essential for small businesses to have a website. Not only does it give your business an online presence, but it also allows customers to easily find information about your company and contact you. Building a website can seem daunting, but there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

One of the biggest benefits of having a website is that it gives your business an online presence. In other words, potential customers can find your website and learn more about what you do and what services you offer. A website also allows customers to contact you directly, which can result in more sales opportunities.

Another important benefit of having a website is that it helps customers find information about your company quickly and easily. This is especially important if they’re considering doing business with you.

What are pros and cons of websites?

Websites are an essential part of any business or organization, large or small. They provide a variety of benefits that can help you reach your objectives. However, there are also some drawbacks to using websites.

The advantages of websites include:

  • They can be easily updated with new information.
  • They can be used to provide information about your products or services.
  • They can be used to provide customer support.
  • They can be used to sell products or services online.
  • They can be used to collect data from customers.
  • They are easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  • The disadvantages of websites include:

They can be expensive to create and maintain.

  • They require a certain level of technical expertise to set up and use correctly.
  • They can be vulnerable to attacks by hackers.
Why you shouldn't use a website builder?

There are a lot of website builders on the market today. And for good reason! They’re affordable, easy to use, and can help you create a website in minutes. But there are a few reasons why you shouldn’t use a website builder.

First, most website builders are very limited in terms of design and functionality. You can usually only choose from a few templates, and you won’t be able to add any custom code or features.

Second, website builders often don’t work well with other tools and platforms. If you want to use a third-party plugin or extension, or if you want to host your website on your own server, you may run into compatibility issues.

Third, most website builders are not very SEO-friendly. They don’t include many optimization settings or features, and they may not follow best practices for web design.

Why websites are better than apps?

There are many reasons why websites are better than apps. First and foremost, websites are cheaper to make. A website costs a fraction of what it costs to make an app, which is why there are so many more of them. Additionally, websites work on any device with a web browser, while apps are limited to devices that have been specifically designed to run them. Websites also tend to be more up-to-date, as they can be updated at any time without having to go through an approval process like with apps. Finally, websites are more accessible because they don’t require users to download and install anything.

Is it affordable to make an app or a website?

When it comes to developing a website or an app, there is no easy answer as to whether it is cheaper to make one or the other. It really depends on the complexity of the project and the specific needs of the client. However, there are some general things to keep in mind when making this decision.

For starters, websites are generally less expensive to create than apps. This is because websites do not require the same level of functionality and complexity as apps do. In most cases, a website can be created using a simple content management system (CMS), while apps usually require custom coding.

Another factor that affects cost is the platform. Apps need to be designed and coded for specific platforms (such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.), while websites can be viewed on any device with a web browser.

What is the affordable way to start a website?

There are a few different ways to start a website for cheap. One way is to use a website builder like Wix or Squarespace. These services allow you to create a website for free, but there are some limitations. You can also buy a domain name and hosting for around $10 per year. This is the cheapest way to have your own website, and you can use any software you want. Finally, you can use free services like Blogger or, but your website will have ads and you will not own the domain name.

Do you have to pay monthly for a website?

There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re starting your own website. One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is whether or not to pay a monthly fee for a website builder platform or go with a free option.

There are pros and cons to both choices. With a monthly fee, you typically get more features and support, but it can be expensive if your site doesn’t take off. Free platforms are great for budget-minded entrepreneurs, but they often have fewer features and limited support.

So what’s the best option for you? It depends on your needs and budget. If you need a lot of features and support, then paying for a monthly website builder platform is the way to go. But if you’re on a tight budget, then using a free platform may be more appropriate for your needs.

OUR Technology

Our values shape the way we work with our clients, delivering outstanding user experience supported by cutting-edge technologies