Future of AI : 5 amazing ways how Artificial Intelligence and future of humans are going to be

20 June 2024 binaramasolutionsgmail-com Web Development, ai and future of work, ai and the future, ai and the future of work, ai automation and the future of work, ai technology in the future, artificial intelligence and the future of humans, artificial intelligence and the future of work, future of artificial intelligence, future of generative ai,

The future of AI and humans looks really promising. Unlike some people, I don’t think negatively about it. AI was designed to make our jobs easier, not to take them away from us. But lately, the development of AI has become a race. It feels like people are competing to create the best AI.

Everyone is in a hurry to show that their AI is the best, without thinking about the consequences. It’s like they’ve been given the power to create, almost like they’re playing the role of gods.

But even in ancient stories, only a few gods had the power to create the world, not everyone.

ai automation and the future of work

How did Artificial Intelligence come into existence?

During the Second World War, in the 1940s and 1960s, a new field called cybernetics was growing quickly. People were learning how to connect machines with living things.

This was when Alan Turing discovered that machines could do complex calculations. He introduced the use of decimals and binary numbers in machines, which are still used in modern computers today.

Turing also wrote an important article called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” In it, he talked about the possibility of machines becoming intelligent. He even came up with something called the “Imitation Game,” which was a new idea at the time.

Later, a scientist named McCarthy from MIT came up with the term “AI” (Artificial Intelligence). He figured out that we could create programs for machines to do tasks that are hard for humans, especially those that need a lot of brainpower.

In 1968, people were talking a lot about AI. Movies and sci-fi books were being made about it. When the microprocessor was invented, AI became popular again, and the era of “expert systems” started.

Systems like DENDRAL and MYCIN opened up new possibilities. But scientists soon faced many problems, and interest in AI faded because there were too many things they couldn’t solve, like the “black box” issue.

Then, IBM’s computer called Deep Blue used a powerful algorithm to beat a human at chess, which was a big achievement for AI.

Since 2010, AI has made a lot of progress. Things like big data, image processing, and advanced algorithms have made AI a big part of our lives.

IBM did a survey and found that 42% of businesses are now using AI. This shows how quickly AI has grown in a short time. With all the changes in technology, AI has a lot of potential. Let’s talk about how AI will impact our future, our jobs, and what it means for humanity.

future of artificial intelligence

The future of AI, and How does it look to you?

AI has made sensations in the present. No doubt It is going to be the future of humans. AI and the future are so together that there is no question of keeping it out of human lives.

It has significantly affected the future work prospects for humans. AI and the future of work may seem grey now but it is not so.

We are in a phase of revolution in Artificial Intelligence and the future of humans. There are so many latest inventions going on in Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT, Bard, and Gemini are generative AI tools.

With evolution of these kinds of tools Content Creation as a career is booming. No one had thought of it as a job.

Inventions in DALL-E, Midjourney has opened new doors for art. Art now is not just limited to creations from a human hand. It has made an extension to machines. In particular with the help of AI, art is in a transformative state.

People had thought that coding was above all. No machine can touch the skill of coding. But Coding skills have become the most threatened skills of all time. Github Copilot, ChatGPT, Denver are the new AI tools that have surpassed human basic coding skills.

Other improvements in NLP led to the evolution of chatbots. These chatbots are well trained in human languages and tones. They understand the semantics.

These bots are used for voice recognition, and translating text to speech. They are also used as customer support to resolve minor customer queries. They can replace the jobs of call centers, support centers, and translators.

AI and the future of humans

Changes in Regular Jobs

All these changes in technology have impacted humans. AI and the future are unpredictable given the current scenario. AI and the future of work will keep evolving. That is certain.

And what all is sure is that change will be the new normal. New kinds of work and talent will come in the future. Those who are ready for change and are ready to adapt will never be out of work.


Data Privacy Issues

AI has led to many data privacy issues in recent times. This is due to the fact of evolution of bigData, data processing and analytics with it. Big companies are stealing consumer data without their permission.

They are doing so to collect information about consumers and draw insights on the consumer base. Till then no such technology had power to process such large data. AI has jumped the fence in this regard.


Changes in Regulations

AI has led to changes in legal matters. Content generation AI tools have led to many legal matters. Many musicians, artists, and writers have filed lawsuits against these companies.

They have requested to put control on these tools as they are affecting their livelihood. Artificial Intelligence and the future of humans will be safe if necessary changes are made legally.

It is important to also keep the groundwork ready to keep humans safe from unimaginable growth in AI. If we don’t make these changes human lives will become hollow.

We don’t want to fall prey to the machines. Not forgetting that human life is important than machines. And machines are not beings.

Keeping this thought in mind will form strong foundation for humans. The fear surrounding AI is causing a lot of instability in young generations. They are doubtful of their career prospects and nobody has a proper understanding of the same.

ai automation and the future of work

AI and the future of work

AI in Manufacturing

Manufacturing in Robotics with the help of AI has proven to be of great help. Robots doing home chores like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, etc. These robots work to help humans not to surpass them.

These robots are also used to perform complex and delicate tasks in factories. It is good to make use of technology to prosper human life. In this way, AI and the future are both safe.


AI in Healthcare

It is making fine changes in the health sector. AI has been a huge help in analyzing diseases beforehand. It is great for recording people’s health data. AI is used to narrow down drug discovery. It is used as a virtual nurse assistant to monitor patient’s health. Huge datasets of people’s health records are kept for analysis.

AI and the future of healthcare is a little delicate. Doctors, nurses, and other technicians will be in huge demand for at least 10 years. Healthcare is a service related sector where human contact is essential.

However, using robotic machines for MRI, X-Rays, ECG, etc results can be more accurate. Recording the data by machine can be more error free. Humans might miss out on some details but using AI here will help in the progress of health sector.


AI in Finance

AI in finance conducts audits. It also checks if the customer is suitable for loans. Traders make use of ML algorithms to earn huge money. AI and the future in finance will impact the economy of the country.

Changes in Investment decisions will change the financial situation of the country. Artificial Intelligence and the future of humans in finance is pretty bright.

Humans might miss out on some details but using AI here will help in the progress of finance sector.


AI in Education

AI in education will change the way students learn. Education will become more visual and appealing. New techniques of AI such as NLP, and ML algorithms will make learning more interactive.

It will try to cater to individual students. AI and the future of education will be transformative for the world.
Not only for students but also for teachers and other educational staff.

AI and the future of work in education will take a 360 degrees turn.


AI in media

AI already has started to play a huge role in media. AI new reporters have appeared in some of the news channels. AI is very useful in collecting and recording data.

AI can be used to analyze data and will help in predictive analysis. AI and the future of work in media is a little unsteady.



How future of AI is going to affect job prospects?

There is a lot of apprehension about AI taking over human skills. But, AI can only perform repetitive and menial tasks that do not require creativity. If your job does not include creativity then it is a problem for you.

And you might need to find ways to upskill yourself. However, If you are involved in the job that requires creativity, decision making and certain level of critical thinking then you do not need to be worried.

What are the ethical concerns associated with future of AI?

Still, the potential of AI is unknown. Scientists, business people, government are still trying to figure out its impact. However, we should do what we can do.

We can write out some rules that are binding on all that can protect human life from AI. We can draw out safety plans to create a strong foundation for human survival.

How will AI impact healthcare in future?

Using robotic machines for MRI, X-Rays, ECG, etc results can be more accurate. Recording the data by machine can be more error free. Humans might miss out on some details but using AI here will help in the progress of health sector.

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